We help business and IT professionals to maximise value, success and ROI from
information technology using our unique Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®)

Conceived in the 1980s, born in the '90s, BVMF® underpins, transcends and transforms waterfall, agile, Prince2 and most other methods, approaches and practices. It defines the fundamental, underlying principles by which optimal value, success and ROI are gained from IT and 'Digital' Transformation. It does not reinvent the wheel but focuses, integrates and enhances other methods, approaches and practices; so nothing is lost, everything is gained. After 30 years of research and development, BVMF® is extensive, comprehensive and powerful

  • "Your [business value] approach has helped us achieve a quality almost unheard of in this environment."
  • "You have helped us gain more business value than we thought possible."
  • "I see so many examples of processes and systems that could hugely benefit from your [business value] approach."
  • "Your [business value] approach has given major impetus to user buy-in and minimised misunderstanding between management and operational departments."
  • "MaxVal's approach to the maximisation of business value is a refreshing change in business and IT related methods and practices."
  • "I look forward to more companies picking up on your business value related ideas and practices... they will notice a large difference in their business."
  • "The pace and quality of ideas in your [business value] presentation are extremely powerful."
  • "You provide a sheer quality service; we learnt much about improving our effectiveness and efficiency."
  • "Business Value Maximisation Framework is extreme common sense; I wish I had known about it years ago."
  • "Your [business value] approach is a breath of fresh air."
  • "You have understood our requirements perfectly."


October 1st 2024: The slides from David Jacobs' informative and entertaining DigiGov presentation of 250924 "70% Fail to 70+% Succeed!" are here as a pdf: Slides-250924. A link will be here to a video of that presentation from 151024

We have a new article up at Open Access Government entitled "Using the Value Delivery Model (VDM)™ to Maximise Success and ROI"; to read this in HTML click here, to read this in publication mode click here

September 2024: We're pleased to announce our initiative to encourage the global 70% project failure rate to improve, aiming to move it to 70+% success! To this end, we're running several walk-in advice clinics, starting with DigiGov Expo '24 (at ExCel Centre) on September 24/25th and Government Transformation Week (at Intercontinental, O2) on November 5/6th

Meanwhile, here's a 20 minute video where David Jacobs talks about why projects fail and what can be done to improve the 'poor' performance of the last 40 years. This includes details of our recent appearance at DigiGov Expo '24 and the forthcoming Government Transformation Week (GTW) event in November: click here for video V#4

July 2024: We're pleased to announce we'll run our popular two day value maximisation clinic at Government Transformation Week (GTW) on November 5th and 6th. David Jacobs will present on the power of our Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to boost success and ROI starting up our mission to reduce the global 70% project failure rate until we get to 70% success! Click here for GTW's website

June 2024: For those who wish to engage with us to lower the global 70% IT project failure rate and increase success, here is our Special Report at Open Access Government: click here

May 2024: DigiGov Expo '24 has been postponed until September 24/25th when we'll be running our 2-day free walk in Business Value Maximisation clinic. David Jacobs will present on September 25th, inviting us all to help lower the global 70% IT project failure rate until we get to 70% success! Here are two short videos about this event and initiative: click here for video V#2 and here for video V#3

April 2024: We'll be at DigiGov Expo '24 on September 24/25th at the ExCel Centre running our free 2 day walk-in IT business value maximisation clinic. Bring your challenges and we will start helping you to supercharge value, success and ROI! David Jacobs will present in the Citizen Experience Theatre at 1.15pm on September 25th on the power of our Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to boost IT and 'digital' transformation's ROI

April 2024: We have a new article online at Open Access Government entitled "Seven Steps To Boost IT Business Value and Success! Part II" using our Golden Value Circle™, to read this click here. You may find this alternative link to be clearer depending on your browser click here

January 2024: David Jacobs presented IT Value Maximisation for Business Analysts; A Closer Look at The Elephant (Part II) for the IIBA UK on January 25th. For more information and the recording on IIBA UK's website click here. The slides are here as a pdf: Slides-250124. A Closer Look (Part III) is being scheduled for late autumn 2024, date tbc

January 2024: We've a new article up online at Open Access Government entitled "Seven Steps To Boost IT Business Value and Success!" using our Golden Value Circle™; to read this click here. You may find this alternative link to be clearer depending on your browser click here

Events in 2024: We're at DigiGov Expo '24 at the ExCel Centre on September 24th and 25th when David Jacobs will present on how dramatically more valuable IT can be when the fundamental principles for optimising business value, success and ROI are employed. David will lead our free 2 day walk-in value maximisation clinic. Click here for a video about this that was recorded before the date was postponed from May to September (video V#1, "Director's Cut"). We are also participating in the Commonwealth 75th anniversary celebrations in October in Westminster, advising on optimal 'digital' transformation practice across participating countries

October 2023: We've a new article up online at Open Access Government on how to achieve the Holy Grail of business IT, i.e. maximum business value, success and ROI! To read this click here. You may find this alternative link to be clearer depending on your browser click here

September 2023: We're now live online at Open Access Government; to read more about MaxVal Consultancy's unique Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) and range of services, plus several recent articles on IT and 'Digital Transformation' success click here

August 2023: David Jacobs presented a deeper dive into IT value maximisation using BVMF® entitled A Closer Look At The Elephant (Part I) for the IIBA UK North and Scotland. For more information and the recording on IIBA UK's website click here (the video starts 4 minutes into the presentation). The slides are here as a pdf: Slides-290823

May 2023: On May 23rd we ran a live value maximisation clinic at GovNet's Digital Government conference at London's QEII Centre. Visitors brought their IT business value challenges and we showed them models and techniques from our Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) that help organisations to gain dramatically improved results.
Click here for photos

January 2023: David Jacobs' article about his three decade journey researching and developing Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) entitled "Riding The Storm of Scepticism and Apathy for Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Pioneers" has been published in Brainz Magazine. To read the article click here. "Riding The Storm..." Parts II and III have since been published along with an interview with David; to see these click here and scroll down

November 2022: David Jacobs recorded a podcast with Michael Millward of The Independent Minds on the principles of IT Business Value Maximisation for CxOs, directors and business owners. For more information and to listen to the podcast on Spotify click here

September 2022: David Jacobs presented 'IT Value Maximisation for Business Analysts: The Journey And The Elephant' for the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) UK North & Scotland. David covered how to become a Business Value Maximisation Specialist (BVMS). For more information and access to the recording on IIBA UK's site click here. Here are the slides as a pdf: Slides-150922

August 2022: From October 1st 2022 we will donate 2.5% of consultancy fees received from our kind clients to charity. We hope in future to extend this scheme so clients may choose which charity, and for us to increase the percentage...

June 2022: A principal business analyst we've trained and certified as a Business Value Maximisation Specialist (BVMS) said "BVMF is extreme common sense; I wish I had known about it years ago"

May 2022: We welcome Philippa Randall-Nason to MaxVal Consultancy whose role spans executive support, research, development, client support and roll-out of Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) - we are already noticing a hugely positive effect!

March 2022: MaxVal Analysis changed its name to MaxVal Consultancy Ltd to better reflect the range of services we offer. Although we love accuracy, reality and truth, we don't mind splitting infinitives when business value is at stake!

February 2022: Training and certification in Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) are now available for individuals along with licences for organisations. We are also mentoring and coaching business IT professionals to get maximum value from their roles and careers, for themselves, their teams, their organisations and their organisation's clients and suppliers. For more information contact MaxVal Consultancy

January 2022: David Jacobs has upgraded our value based business-system boundary models to help organisations align and optimise real world business processes with less arbitrary and constraining system boundaries. The models and concepts upgraded include Business Process/Org Activity Pattern (BP/OAP) Space, the Non Contiguous Overlay (NCO) and 'Representivity' guidelines

June 2021: David Jacobs presented his technique "The Croydon Facelift" for concise, effective narrative and analysis, to optimise sequential/contiguous and less sequential/contiguous communicational approaches during Adrian Reed's IIBA sponsored Business Analysis Open Mic night

May 2021: David Jacobs has produced the 'next generation' of Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®). To book a free of charge personalised overview of the key models and techniques contact MaxVal Consultancy

April 2021: David Jacobs presented his treatise "When is Something Something Else?" during Adrian Reed's IIBA sponsored Business Analysis Open Mic night. David explored the concept of identity and the value of identifying similarities and differences between artefacts in business IT practice

February 2021: David Jacobs has developed a new visual, value based career value optimisation technique for business IT professionals called The Archery Target. For more information contact MaxVal Consultancy

July 2020: David Jacobs presented a powerful webinar to members of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) UK entitled Practical, Pragmatic, Value Focused Business Analysis introducing his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®). An attendee said "Really good presentation at a time when value is topical for our team. Interesting way of defining this and given us food for thought." For the (local) recording click here. For the IIBA UK recording with promotional overview click here The slides are here as a pdf: Slides-160720

2019: Maximum Value Ltd changed its name to MaxVal Analysis, to support the development and propagation of skills and methods to mediate between business and IT for the maximisation of business and organisational value through our collaborative mentoring services

2015: David Jacobs and Andy Doran-Smith presented an overview of Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to Roehampton University's Heads of Information Systems

2015: Click here to see our 2015 information leaflets for company directors and managers with an introduction to our Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) and related services

2015: Hazel I Longworth, PA and business value archivist, appointed Head of Archive and Library Services (ALS). Hazel's eye for detail and enthusiasm has impressed us immensely

2015: Jean Cohen, content and promotion manager, appointed Head of Media, Marketing and Public Relations (MMPR). Jean brings an American directness to her new role at "MaxVal" - we look forward to working with her. Note Sep 2024: we're sad to say Jean passed away last year; we remember her verve very fondly

2015: Andy Doran-Smith joined Maximum Value [now MaxVal Consultancy] Ltd as Program Value Manager. Andy has been hugely supportive; we look forward to benefiting from his influence

2014: Click here to see our 2014 advertising campaign leaflet for business IT value seekers

2014: David Jacobs founded Do IT Better Consortium (DIBC), a group of consultancies dedicated to radical improvement of services and methods for gaining business value from IT enabled process. Click here to see details

2012: David Jacobs was invited to present an introduction to his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to the Post Office's business analysis team

2012: Click here to see the editorial published in Surrey Business magazine on our powerful business value maximisation approach

2011: David Jacobs was invited to present his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to members of the Association of Project Management (APM). Click here to see a summary

2009: David Jacobs presented an introduction to Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to the National Computing Centre (NCC)'s senior users committee

2008: David Jacobs entered talks with Royal Bank of Scotland on his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) and related IT effectiveness and efficiency measures

2004: David Jacobs presented an introduction to Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) at the University of Westminster's business school

2002, 2003: David Jacobs presented his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) at the first and second UK International Performance Management Symposia in London and Bristol

2001: David Jacobs presented his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) to members of the British Computer Society's Project Management Group (BCS PROMS-G) and to the BCS's South West London sub-group

2001: David Jacobs presented 'Bridging the Gap' on behalf of the BCS Business-IT Interface Group at City University to the group, staff and students

2001: David Jacobs contributed to Andrew Holmes' ground breaking book Failsafe IS Project Delivery, published by Gower, reprinted in 2017/2018

2001: David Taylor, President of the IT Directors' Association Certus called for a "whole new approach" ruing the huge failure rate of IT projects through the 1990s. David Jacobs said "David, I totally agree. In fact I've been developing just such a new approach for at least a decade!"

2000: David Jacobs presented his Business Value Maximisation Framework (BVMF®) at the first BCS Business-IT Bridging Group Conference

1999: David Jacobs was engaged by Unicom Seminars to present on his IT Business Value Maximisation R&D programme and became a leading member of the newly formed BCS Business-IT Bridging Group

1996: David Jacobs' article 'A New Breed of Friendship (for Business and IT)' caused a positive, eye brow raising stir at the FT IT Review

1996: David Jacobs' letter 'Not Ignoring Is Not Enough' on the effects of the IT industry's lack of pro-active focus on business process related value was published in Computing magazine

1995: David Jacobs' first article 'The Safest Way to Effective IT' was published in Corporate IT Strategy magazine

1993: To address the low IT project success rates of the time, David Jacobs started to document his ideas, models and techniques for more effective and collaborative Business-IT working, bridging and mediation

1982-1992: David Jacobs wrote the first ever UK air cargo market forecasting software and, continuing to bridge the computer-business interface progressively, realised methods and practices were sketchy in respect of their focus on value

1981: Working in marketing information, analysis and research, David Jacobs wrote his first professional computer software gaining high commendation from the client business for the excellent results

1976-81: Working as a marketing information analyst and researcher David Jacobs started to use programmable calculators

1970-76: David Jacobs, working in his father's advertising and marketing consultancy, showed an inclination towards statistical analysis learning how organisations produce and use information. He also graduated in Management Science at Warwick covering economics, statistical analysis, market research and computing (in Algol 60 on IBM punched cards!)

